Thursday, February 15, 2024

Reach Out, Reach Up

I don't know what kind of grief you may be facing right now. It may be the loss of a loved one, a job, divorce, financial difficulties, illness...the list can be endless really.
You could be standing at that same crossroad that I stood at, wondering where to go? Who to turn to? I had two choices once that storm hit in my own life. I could have become very bitter and just turned away from everything good. I could have allowed the enemy to grab a hold of me and run. I could have just given up.
But something began to change in me, a peace that I had never felt before flooded my heart and soul, so I chose to cling to that peace and the One who brought it to me. I grabbed a hold of the joyful moments, the precious memories and my faithful friends. I found comfort in talking to someone who had faced the same journey and could help me through it. You are not meant to face this alone my friends. Reach out, reach up.

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