Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, July 18th 2010

Nick is adjusting to the new schedule at home. We hook him up to the IV drip in the morning for a couple of hours and then again in the evening for a couple of hours. This will continue for 6 weeks. I have noticed that he has slowed down quite a bit since being home. He sleeps a lot. His motivation to walk & do some of things he was doing before has seemed to cease for the time being. We are just hoping that it is the high dose of anti-biotic he is on and once his system gets used to them, maybe he will regain some strength and energy.We will hear from Dr. Snead this week about the possibilty of doing a radiation blast to the tumor.

I feel like I have kind of been just existing.I have not been as obedient in His word lately as I should. Then I wonder why I feel so depleted. If I am not seeking His word on a consistent basis. I begin to feel empty, kind of bitter, a little isolated. All those things Satan wants me to feel. God has given me His word to help equip me from those negative thoughts and feelings. We know the Bible is more than a book. Trying to live It daily, is challenging, but so rewarding when you do. God's Word has become my great source of peace, encouragement and protection. Many of the scriptures provide comfort to my soul when nothing else can. Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

I need and want the Word's of my precious Father to fill up my heart and soul. Without them I am empty, with Them I overflow with joy, peace, love and thankfulness!

God's love and blessing's to you all,
The Badidas

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