As I was driving home last night I was listening to the radio and the song Amazing Grace began to play. Every time I hear that song I think about my mom. It was truly one of her favorites. I love to just close my eyes and think about the many times I stood beside her in church and listened to her sing that song. I can still here her singing it now. Then it hit me: March 22nd is here and it has been three years since she was called home to spend an eternity with her Heavenly Father.
That time seems to have gone by so quickly. Mom passed away and then a few months later Nick was having major surgery and life never seemed to really slow down after that. Of course, even with all that was going on with my husband I would think about her so often, and wished I had her there to give me that comfort that only moms can so tenderly give. But lately so many memories of her have been flooding back into my heart.
For those of you who knew my mom Marjorie, would probably agree that she was a what I would call a southern belle! Rarely would you see her not put together from head to toe. Even if she was in her kitchen frying up something, she had it going on. She taught me the traditional things about how to be a proper young lady (well, she tried!). She had the gift of being able to make anything grow, any flower, any tree. She could even make a bunch of old weeds look absolutely beautiful! Unfortunately, I did not inherit that gift.
But what pierces my heart the most is the many years she took me, even sometimes dragging me, to a little Baptist church down a long dirt road. It is there where I first accepted Jesus into my heart and got baptized. I didn’t know it then, but I can clearly see now what a difference that made in my life. It was my foundation and although I may have drifted away from it during my younger years, I always came back. What a gift she gave me! I never really got to thank her for that.
What a blessing is to know I can always hear her voice and have those sweet visions of me staring up at this stunning woman, singing those old hymns, and thinking how truly lucky I was to have her as my mom.
I love and miss you everyday day, mom, but I rejoice in knowing you are home, you are healthy, and you are happy! You can sing as loud as you want and plant the biggest, most beautiful garden ever.
Your Daughter